from Adaptive Art by Better Naughton


Advanced Preparation
Planning for adaptations to your lessons prior to instruction will enable students to more fully participate. Students will need customized adaptations. While some may be able to draw independently, others, such as students with cognitive deficits, might need an assortment of tracers and stencils. For instance, if you’re planning a lesson on community and students will need to draw buildings, have a bag with various sizes of rectangles, triangles, and tree shapes to choose from. Even if some students can’t draw independently, they can make artistic choices as they assemble shapes to create a town or city. If you’re planning a still-life or portrait lesson, you could provide shapes appropriate to those activities as well. If you need to prepare for remote lessons, these shapes could be sent home with students or picked up twice a semester.

For information about Adaptive Art: Deconstructing Disablity in the Art Classroom, including video demonstrations and a free webinar, visit DavisArt.com/AdaptiveArt.


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