Roles in a Commercial Photo Shoot


The photographer is just one member of the creative team for a commercial photo shoot. The client supplies the product and photography challenge, the creative director decides the overall direction of the image, the art director composes the shot and set design, the digital tech manages image files, and the producer organizes all of the people and locations involved in the shoot. Other roles might include fashion model, prop stylist, hair stylist, and make-up artist.

Provide students with opportunities to try out all these roles and help them develop the personal qualities needed to problem solve, manage conflict, and behave appropriately. Working in small groups, have students roleplay the jobs listed as part of a commercial shoot. What problem-solving or conflict management skills are needed? What personal qualities and work behaviors are important for accomplishing the goal of the shoot?

From Focus on Photography, 2nd Edition, by Hermon Joyner & Kathleen Monaghan.

To learn more about photography careers in Focus on Photography, 2nd Edition, visit


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