How to Simplify an Image


Many logos are made up of familiar images that are greatly simplified but still recognizable. Simplifying images is a process students can learn—it just requires some practice and experimentation. Here are some pointers:

  1. Encourage students to find a detailed image they like of a plant, animal, or object. It can be a photograph or an illustration.

  2. Have them lay a piece of tracing paper over the image, then find and trace the main defining elements. Remind them to omit extra details; these create visual noise and get in the way of a clear visual message.

  3. When students remove the tracing paper, ask them to examine the image. Does it immediately communicate the essence of the object? If not, what additional lines or shapes could they add that would help make it more recognizable? Add these sparingly.

From Communicating through Graphic Design, 2nd Edition, by Kevin Gatta & Claire Mowbray Golding.

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