Commercial Photographer


While fine art photography satisfies the goals of the artist, commercial photography is used to sell or promote a product for a client. This work is often more technically demanding than other forms of photography. Commercial photographers must become experts at lighting and creative problem solvers for a successful shoot. For most assignments, the commercial photographer will consult and collaborate with scores of people. Sometimes their main role is setting the lights and operating the camera. The job of choosing what and how to photograph is frequently up to people other than the photographer, such as the art director or stylist.

Student Engagement Tip: Ask students to record every commercial photo they see in 24 hours. Students should sketch or list the props, people, and imagery used in the photograph, as well as the product being promoted.

From Focus on Photography, 2nd Edition, by Hermon Joyner & Kathleen Monaghan.

To learn more about photography careers in Focus on Photography, 2nd Edition, visit


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