You can see the work of graphic designers everywhere you look. But what do graphic designers do? Graphic designers use a combination of shapes, forms, images, and words to communicate a message to a specific audience. Think about something that caught your eye recently—a video, sign, or billboard. What made you stop and look? Whatever it was, it fulfilled the graphic designer’s purpose: to get a message across that you’ll remember and act on.
Student Engagement Tip: Have students find present and past examples of promotional material or ads for communication technologies—telephones, radios, televisions, and computers. How have ads promoting communication technology changed? Compare especially the emphasis on the physical object versus the service it offers.
From Communicating through Graphic Design, 2nd Edition, by Kevin Gatta & Claire Mowbray Golding.
For information about Communicating through Graphic Design, including a sample Career Profile and Design Brief lesson, visit
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