The Essential Question
What is contour line drawing? What is a self-portrait?
Students will create a self-portrait using contour line drawing.
sketchbooks, color media, pencils, mirrors and/or images of students
1. Share examples of self-portraits throughout history with students and ask them to think about what a self-portrait is and why artists create them. Then show abstract portraits, such as those by William H. Johnson. Compare and contrast the abstract portraits to the traditional self-portraits. Ask students why a person might choose to draw themselves in an abstract style. Ask students to get a mirror or find an image of themselves to use for this activity.
2. Reflecting on abstract portraiture, discuss contour line drawing and why artists might choose to use this method. Then ask students to practice drawing themselves using the contour method. As they draw, ask them to think about what qualities would make their portraits appear abstract rather than realistic. Students practice drawing themselves with this method several times and overlap their designs for interesting compositional layouts.
3. Have students take suggestions from peers as needed before converting their designs onto their final paper.
4. Ask students to illustrate their portrait in the manner they see fit, focusing on qualities that make their portrait look abstract (colors, position of facial features, etc.). They should draw in pencil first, then consider how they will incorporate color into their design.
5. After choosing a color media and applying it to their work, students do a gallery walk to view their peersʼ work and provide feedback on their portraits.
Students write a reflective artist statement, explaining their piece and their process of creating.
Leigh Drake is a visual fine arts instructional specialist for Virginia Beach City Public Schools in Virginia.
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