
High School

Low-Relief Self-Portraits


The Essential Question
How can students introduce themselves through art?

Students will use air-dry modeling clay to create a low-relief self-portrait.

air-dry modeling clay, fine- and medium-tipped markers, plastic storage bags

1. Show students examples of self-portraits from artists past and present. Ask them what the artworks have in common.
2. Explain to students that they will create a self-portrait from air-dry modeling clay.
3. Demonstrate working with the modeling clay to create a low-relief self-portrait. As the demonstration continues, discuss low relief and how it differs from two-dimensional artwork such as paintings and three-dimensional in-the-round sculptures.
4. Distribute materials for students to begin. Encourage them to add distinguishing details that readily identify who they are.
5. Allow the clay relief portraits to dry overnight. Seal any unfinished works in plastic storage bags.
6. The following class, students use markers to add details and other distinguishing features.

Ask students how their low-relief self-portrait shows ideas about who they are.

Janina Burton is an art educator at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona.

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