High School
Artwork by Taylor M., grade nine.
The Essential Question
What methods can we use to create community through art?
Students will create a mixed-media reduction relief print inspired by someone they look up to.
sketchbooks, pencils, erasers, reference photos, printer, 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) tracing paper, 6 x 6" linoleum, black markers, linoleum cutters, palette knives, black ink, bench hooks, brayers, burnishers, acrylic paint, brushes
1. Students choose someone they look up to and brainstorm ways to represent that person in their sketchbooks.
2. Next, students convert a photo of their person into a black-and-white printout.
3. Students trace their printout onto tracing paper, turn it face down, transfer it to linoleum, and remove the paper. They use a black marker to outline their image and fill in the positive spaces.
4. Students use a linoleum cutter to remove the negative space in their image.
5. Students use a palette knife to spread black ink at the top of the bench hook. They use a brayer to apply ink onto the linoleum and a burnisher to add pressure to the paper before pulling the print.
6. Students use acrylic paint to add a design to the background.
Students will assemble their prints to create a large-scale quilt-like work and discuss why they chose their person.
Frank Juárez is an art teacher at Sheboygan North High School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
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