Middle School
The Essential Questions
How can students use the elements of art to paint an interesting scene?
Students will paint an outer space scene using lines, shapes, and colors.
12 x 18" (30 x 46 cm) white paper, pencils, tempera paints (various colors and black), paintbrushes, paper towels, reference images of space
1. Show students various images of space. Discuss the sun, planets, stars, comets, and other features. Then tell students they will create their own scenes of space.
2. Distribute white paper and drawing and painting materials. Using pencil, students draw various lines and shapes to represent objects seen in space.
3. Students paint their lines and shapes with tempera paint.
4. Students fill the space around their painted shapes with black, filling the entire paper
5. Students can create stars and other features with flicks or splatters of white or yellow paint.
Did students depict a space scene using the art elements of line, shape, and color?
Wendy Libby is an art teacher at Fruit Street School in Bangor, Maine.
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