
Pooja Nair


Cynthia B. 

Finding moments of calm and mindfulness in a classroom setting can be difficult. As art teachers, we have the ability to bring serenity into our classrooms and guide students to embrace their creativity while practicing mindfulness. Welcome to the Garden of Joy—an inspiring lesson that encourages students to embark on a mindful adventure while using their senses to create art amidst the beauty of nature.

Artists Connect with Nature
Nature has long ser ved as an inspiration to artists, including Claude Monet, Georgia O’Keeffe, and more recently, Lorenzo M. Duran and Miranda Lloyd. Stepping into nature sparks creativity and deepens our connection to our surroundings. Artists can immerse themselves in the present moment, absorbing their surroundings without distraction as they ref lect on the beauty, cycles, and rhythms of the natural world.

Connecting with nature often induces a state of f low characterized by complete immersion and focus on the task at hand. Artists in this state lose track of time, allowing their creativity to f low freely and spontaneously. They tap into their emotions and the emotions evoked by nature and channel these feelings into their artwork, creating pieces that not only reflect external landscapes but also inner landscapes of emotion and contemplation.


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