
Jeff Tam


Taylor T.

The middle-school years are a wonderful time for students to learn that words matter. In this lesson, the key concept is communication. Students used text on fabric to share their ideas and created word pillows with an inspiring message.

Opening with Quotes
I began the lesson with a few quotes and reminded my young artists that these words and others have shaped our country.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”
—The Declaration of Independence

“I have a dream.”
—Martin Luther King Jr.

Words Have Power
We discussed how and why words matter. Words have the power to inspire our actions and bring people together. I shared that locally in Hawaii, people are protesting the Red Hill fuel leak, holding up signs that read “Water Is Life,” “Ka Wai Ola,” and “Protect Our Water.” Then I showed students images of Robert Indiana’s LOVE and Shepard Fairey’s Hope, both iconic works that express positive ideals for humanity.

Words have the power to inspire our actions and bring people together.

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