
Middle School

What's in a Name?


The Essential Question
How can students use lettering to express identity?

Students will create a design based on their names, with the letters rep-resenting their own visual culture.

paper, pencils, reference photos, colored pencils


  1. Ask students to brainstorm a list of hobbies, things they like, and places they would like to visit.
  2. Next, distribute paper and ask students to write their name on a large scale, filling the entire page.
  3. Using reference photos of the subjects on their list, students decide which images to incorporate as the letters of their names.
  4. Students add color to their designs using colored pencils.
  5. Students write an artist state-ment that describes each object represented in their names.

Students will be assessed by the skill used in applying their designs and color to their names.

Melody Weintraub is a retired middle-level art teacher living in Tennessee.

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