High-school students participate in a breathing exercise and create a painting that depicts emotions passing through the body.
Young students work together on a variety of projects throughout the school year, cultivating a community of compassion and tolerance.
High-school students create short six- to ten-second animations and combine them into one longer collaborative work.
Elementary students learn about the origins of their food from local farmers and create a mural based on local food systems.
Young students use pastel textured tissue papers to collage an imaginary place in which they feel calm.
A visual arts specialist discusses communication strategies for cultivating an environment in which students feel valued and respected.
Middle-school students create a simple object to help them focus and manage stress.
Students take fifteen photographs over a five-day period and choose five to examine in a mindfulness reflection.
Young students learn about preferences, self-expression, and appreciation of others while designing paper shoes.
An art class based solely on the creation of a sketchbook art journal allowed students to be evaluated on the beauty of brainstorming, playing with media, exploring ideas visually, and personal reflection.
Editor-in-Chief, Nancy Walkup, discusses mindfulness in the art classroom.
Students will use primary and secondary colored markers and air-dry modeling clay to demonstrate emotions in art.