
Meera Ramanathan


The final kolam-inspired installation in the school parking lot.

Kolam is an ancient art form that originated in India 5,000 years ago. These intricate floor drawings are made from white rice flour, and are used for ornamental or ceremonial design during traditional Indian festivities. The drawing consists of dots and lines that together form a meaningful design that symbolizes happiness and prosperity. The word kolam in the Tamil language means “form” or “beauty.”

Kolam Origins and History
Each morning in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, millions of women draw kolam designs on the ground with white rice flour. Throughout the day, the drawings get walked on, washed out by rain, or blown away by the wind, and new ones are made the next day. Each morning before sunrise, the floor is cleaned with water, and the muddy floor is swept well to create an even surface. The designs are drawn while the surface is still damp so the design will hold better.

Kolam designs are a perfect way to integrate several concepts in art such as symmetry, line, shape, color, space, and repetition.

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