Young students use the primary and secondary colors to make a detailed paper fish collage.
Young students work together on a variety of projects throughout the school year, cultivating a community of compassion and tolerance.
Middle-school students are visited by a local florist and make connections between the elements of art and creating a bouquet arrangement.
High-school students collaborate with artist Bryant Holsenbeck to create an outdoor jellyfish installation from sustainable materials.
An art teacher shares successful collaborative teaching experiences that took place in her school’s makerspaces and ceramics studio.
Middle-school students learn about narrative art and folk art, then create a woodblock painting depicting a significant family memory.
High-school students and math teachers collaborate to create custom-made birdhouses for residents at a local retirement village.
Young students collaborate to create large-scale shark sculptures and learn about the various parts of the shark.
Middle-school students explore rug-making through two unique assignments after taking a boat tour of the local waterways.
Multidisciplinary artist Jennifer Halli shares abstract and site-specific works that explore themes of travel, growth, and loss.
How can students use geometric shapes to create a kinetic sculpture? Students will deconstruct various materials to create geometric shapes to form a sculpture.
Multimedia artist Jen Stark shares her brilliantly colored works that draw upon science, math, nature, and spirituality.