Issue Cover




Managing the Art Room: Finding Inspiration

Students use prompt cards, mind mapping, and layering text and images to tell their stories through art.

15 December 2024Middle School
Meeting Individual Needs: The Value of Inclusive Contests

A special education transition specialist shares the importance of providing opportunities for students with disabilities to receive recognition for their work.

15 December 2024Meeting Individual Needs
SMACK! Collaborating for Impact

High-school students collaborate with artist Bryant Holsenbeck to create an outdoor jellyfish installation from sustainable materials.

15 December 2024High School
OK Go Sandbox Animation

High-school students create short six- to ten-second animations and combine them into one longer collaborative work.

15 November 2024High School
Driven by Story

High-school art student Jorge Guifarro shares how he uses storytelling to portray life as a contemporary teen.

14 November 2024Collage
Contemporary Art in Context: Ryan Gardell

Ryan Gardell, Artifakt Studio's creative director and mixed-media artist, shares his large-scale, uplifting community projects.

14 November 2024Contemporary Art
The Story Behind the Painting

Middle-school students learn about narrative art and folk art, then create a woodblock painting depicting a significant family memory.

14 November 2024Middle School
Advocacy: We Are All Connected

Six Turtle Island ambassadors travel to South Africa to share their indigenous teachings with a group of local high-school students.

16 September 2024Advocacy
ClipCard: Symbolized Democracy

High-school students express what democracy means to them through symbolism and printmaking.

15 August 2024High School
Advocacy: Art Advocacy Aprons

Students create designs to promote art advocacy and transfer them to an un unexpected alternative surface.

15 August 2024Advocacy
Contemporary Art in Context: Jennifer Halli

Multidisciplinary artist Jennifer Halli shares abstract and site-specific works that explore themes of travel, growth, and loss.

15 August 2024Contemporary Art
A Zinester’s Guide to Creativity

High-school students explore their own ideas and concepts through personal handmade zines.

15 May 2024High School