Issue Cover




Piece by Peace

Middle-school students learn about narrative art and folk art, then create a woodblock painting depicting a significant family memory.

15 November 2024Elementary
Meeting Individual Needs: The Magic of Movement

An art teacher kicks off the school year with a collaborative project in which students splatter paint with various materials.

14 November 2024Meeting Individual Needs
The Story Behind the Painting

Middle-school students learn about narrative art and folk art, then create a woodblock painting depicting a significant family memory.

14 November 2024Middle School
Trash to Treasure

High-school students reuse and repurpose found materials to create beautiful works of art.

15 October 2024High School
Snapshots: Student Artwork from "Trash to Treasure"

In this issue, high-school art teacher Kathleen Sneed Petka shares her Trash to Treasure challenge, an activity to inspire students to reuse materials and to find the beauty in everyday items.

15 October 2024High School
Point of View: Maintaining a Fresh Perspective

An art teacher discusses how he maintains a fresh curriculum and teaching perspective through artist visits, gallery exhibitions, workshops, and more.

16 September 2024Middle School
Advocacy: Art Advocacy Aprons

Students create designs to promote art advocacy and transfer them to an un unexpected alternative surface.

15 August 2024Advocacy
Painting with Paper

High-school students investigate shape-based thinking and color theory while creating paintless paintings with tissue paper.

15 August 2024High School
Contemporary Art in Context: Jennifer Halli

Multidisciplinary artist Jennifer Halli shares abstract and site-specific works that explore themes of travel, growth, and loss.

15 August 2024Contemporary Art
Tape Art

Student artwork examples using Piktotape™. Get a box of PiktoTape™ and find lesson plans and more resources at

15 May 2024Tape
Tape Art Showcase

Student artwork examples using Piktotape™. Get a box of PiktoTape™ and find lesson plans and more resources at

15 April 2024Tape
Mindfulness in Motion

I showed students figurative sculptures and asked them to mimic the poses with their bodies. They enjoyed it so much that I continued doing it throughout the year. I scoured art books, searched art museums’ digital collections. I put in the time to do research and find figurative sculptures that would provide students with an enjoyable challenge. Ending with a seated figure became a natural way to get students into their seats and ready for their art lessons.

1 March 2024Elementary