Elementary students work collaboratively to create a coloring book featuring symmetrical holiday scenes.
Middle-school students create collages from paper scraps to learn how to be resourceful and creative with art supplies.
A special education transition specialist shares the importance of providing opportunities for students with disabilities to receive recognition for their work.
Young students work together on a variety of projects throughout the school year, cultivating a community of compassion and tolerance.
Middle-school students are visited by a local florist and make connections between the elements of art and creating a bouquet arrangement.
An art teacher shares successful collaborative teaching experiences that took place in her school’s makerspaces and ceramics studio.
Middle-school students learn about narrative art and folk art, then create a woodblock painting depicting a significant family memory.
High-school students create short six- to ten-second animations and combine them into one longer collaborative work.
Young students explore fine and gross motor skills while creating a symmetrical work of art.
Middle-school students work in teams to recreate a work of art created by the teacher.
High-school students add their own creative twist to a traditional one-point perspective hallway drawing.
Art educator Rama Hughes shares a fun and reliable activity in which students illustrate scenes from passages of text.