Young students use the primary and secondary colors to make a detailed paper fish collage.
Middle-school students are visited by a local florist and make connections between the elements of art and creating a bouquet arrangement.
High-school students collaborate with artist Bryant Holsenbeck to create an outdoor jellyfish installation from sustainable materials.
Taiwanese artist Cheng-Tsung Feng incorporates a modern design aesthetic into the ancient form of bamboo arts.
Middle-school students learn about narrative art and folk art, then create a woodblock painting depicting a significant family memory.
Elementary students learn about the origins of their food from local farmers and create a mural based on local food systems.
A preservice art educator develops three interdisciplinary unites to engage students of all levels with the importance of agriculture.
Elementary students create visual responses that evoke empathy for those experiencing weather-related catastrophes.
Contemporary photographer Rebekah Flake explores themes of identity, self-reflection, and history in this issue’s artist spotlight.
High-school students reuse and repurpose found materials to create beautiful works of art.
Elementary students arrange natural materials to create delicate scenes and use photography to document their work.
Middle-school students collaborate during a meaningful design challenge in which they create a felted planter for a community garden.