Elementary students work collaboratively to create a coloring book featuring symmetrical holiday scenes.
Middle-school students are visited by a local florist and make connections between the elements of art and creating a bouquet arrangement.
High-school students create short six- to ten-second animations and combine them into one longer collaborative work.
Elementary students place text strategically on a digital canvas to form recognizable animals.
High-school students use their cellphones to take photos from various angles and create their own hand-drawn comic books.
Middle-school students create a nine-panel digital collage using symbols to represent their likes and interests.
High-school students reuse and repurpose found materials to create beautiful works of art.
Middle- and high-school students celebrate the stories of individuals who have impacted our world for the better.
Elementary students investigate abstract art and draw self-portraits using the contour line method.
Middle-school students experiment with various ways to use Adobe Illustrator's Blend tool to create colorful digital art.
High-school students familiarize themselves with the Adobe Illustrator workspace and various program tools while creating digital avatars.
An art teacher shares her students’ experiences participating in the Memory Project and its profound impact on developing compassion and empathy.